Monday, January 04, 2010

2009 - The Year of Thinking Small (and Smart)

What a year (and what a year to be over!). Thinking small in 2009 was in vogue, and probably will be for the forseeable future in 2010 and beyond, as organizations are challenged to do more with less. Fear of the unknown kept many organizations from making significant changes in 2009, even if they blatantly saved them money or created some efficiencies. That being said, some HR outsourcers had their best years ever. Some struggled to keep the doors open. Some kept trying to re-invent themselves into something that the market wants at this point. That will continue on as HR outsourcers search for the right and perfect place in the market.

So, in the spirit of thinking small (and smart) for 2010...

If you want to put off that "full blown" HR outsourcing initiative another year, some say you'll be another year behind your competitors. That being said, how about just outsourcing a small piece of HR, to try it on for size this year? Payroll's easy, so is recruiting. How about a little HR consulting? There's very little downside, and it's easy to extract yourself if it's not a fit.

If you're like I am, you believe something in this economy has to give - Soon! When that happens, and business picks up, will you have all of the time and energy you'll need for critical, revenue-generating tasks, and made plans with an outsourcer in advance to handle the "administrivia"? Or will you be playing catch up?